We hit the solstice yesterday evening and now official summer is upon us. I hope and believe it will be a good one on Birch Island. There has been some nice weather (sometimes TOO nice) and the lake and our island are as beautiful as ever. But…the coronovirus lingers and continuing thoughtful behavior will be needed for some time, including physical distancing and self-quarantine for some.
We are obligated to keep the island library closed for now. Hold on to books to check in and to donations.
We most probably can’t hold the AGM in early August. September may be an option. We will send updates.
Folks from outside Canada, particularly US cottagers like me, are still unable to enter the country. Frustrating, but reasonable. And travel between some provinces is still limited.
In addition, many folks have felt financial stress because of the virus. Jobs lost, extra expenses, shortages of common items: all take a toll.
Reflecting on all of this, the BIRPOA Executive has decided to eliminate association dues for this year. While the $40 is hardly a large sum–less that a meal for two in many ordinary restaurants–we want to do our own small part to ease the pressures we all feel. In addition, we extend one year’s free membership to all Birch Islanders who would like it.
(We try to maintain a reserve fund against ‘rainy days,’ and we feel the coronavirus counts. We have enough left to pay for insurance and make some contributions to island events.)
Wishing you all the best,
Bob Cavenagh, BIRPOA President, 2020
Thank you for your consideration
Unfortunately being a Quebec resident I am not able to visit my cottage so what you have done is most appropriate
Thank you
Mike Milner