A message from Sand Lake Marine: March 26, 2020
Hello Folks
We hope everyone had a safe and healthy winter. Now at this time we hope you are practicing self isolation during this Covid-19 break out. We have had many calls and emails from people wanting to get to their cottage early. At this time the lake still has ice!! So safe travel will not be possible for a few weeks. As you know in the spring we need to launch numerous boats before parking is available. We will need time to do this before customers arrive.
With this Covid-19 crisis we will be asking all customers to stay out of the shop, service area and Marina buildings! We need to protect our marina staff and families. This is our number one priority at this time. Our township has declared a state of emergency. This means that there are certain measures of limited services allowed to be available for people. We have to and will do our part to help out this situation.
As of right now Sand Lake Marine is CLOSED. That means no one is permitted to come into the facility. No one!
For people on Sand Lake going to Birch and Walnut Islands we will have your fuel tanks full when we do launch boats as we feel this will cut down on personal interaction with the marina staff. We will continue to monitor the situation and will keep everyone informed of when the marina opens.
We pray that all this gets behind us soon and everyone gets to enjoy the summer at beautiful Sand Lake.Please stay safe and healthy.
Your Friends at Sand Lake Marine Inc.David Glover