BIRPOA, the Birch Island Residential Property Owners Association


“BIRPOA”, is short for the Birch Island Residential Property Owners Association (and sometimes just the Island Association), and is the organization that looks out for the care and well being of the island and its residents. Membership is voluntary but we encourage all islanders to join by paying annual dues ($50) that help us keep our various activities moving.

We are the only group providing:

  • Liaison and advocacy with township council for islander concerns such as garbage and recycling pickup
  • Maintenance of cross island walking paths
  • Maintenance and management of the island library
  • Website for communication, education, and relevant information, Twitter account and Facebook group
  • Representation on FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations)
  • And more….

At the marina we provide for members only, exclusive use of:

  • luggage carts for transporting between parking area and dockside
  • Battery booster for boats and cars
  • Message board for events, activities and notices to islanders

Sand Lake, on the Rideau Canal Elgin, Ontario