Birch Island Association Volunteers

The “Island Volunteers”

These folks are the ones who do most of the work of the island association, along with others who help out from time to time. Birch Island requires some maintenance and care, we need to watch out for environmental issues, there are social events to craft, and plenty of other tasks to keep the island in good shape. We always welcome new volunteers. We invite all islanders to a runion and hold an annual elections at the ‘Annual General Meeting,’ and will welcome you, too!

  • President: Rory Gooderham
  • Vice President: Rob Jackett
  • Past President: Bob Cavenagh
  • Secretary: Mary Rockburn
  • Treasurer: Val Fullard
  • At Large: Vipool Desai
  • Trails: Ry Weisiger
  • Right of Ways: John Feltmate


  • Dave Perfetti
  • Chris Wagner
  • Kit Wojick
  • Wendy Nuttall

Sand Lake, on the Rideau Canal Elgin, Ontario