BIRPOA Fall Newsletter by President Rob Jackett

The Birch Islander;

Annual Canoe Race  

October, 2023 

Happy Thanksgiving  

The annual canoe race was held on Labour Day  weekend. Special thanks to Johanne and  Brett Pollock for continuing to host this  fantastic event. There were approximately  30 participants and over 20 boats  

participated. Everyone was well fed thanks to  Brett Pollack the BBQer! No one left without  an award.  

If you haven’t participated in this event yet  or in a while, mark it in your calendar for  September 1st, 2024.  

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 

The Annual General Meeting was held on  August 6th, 2023. Reports were provided by  the various committee members. BIRPOA  finances are in good shape, trails and library  continue to operate effectively. Ry Weisiger  was honoured by the membership for his  contribution to the Island. Membership  approved the naming of the Main Trail to Ry  Way. Past members were Vipool Desai and Val  Fullard were also recognized. Please see the  minutes for more information on the AGM. 

The following are your 2024 Executives and  


 Kit Wojcik – Volunteer  

John Feltmate – Volunteer 

Chris Wagner – Volunteer 

Dave Perfetti – Volunteer 

Rory Gooderham – Past President 

Mary Rockburn – Secretary and Treasurer Vice President – Wendy Nuttall 

President – Rob Jackett 

Other Positions 

Library – Bob Cavenagh

Secretary: Vacent

Wildlife – Vacant 

Trails – Rob Jackett 


At the AGM it was decided that proper  markers needed to be located on the North  Side of the Island where dangerous rocks are  located. Mary Rockburn and Sean Rockburn  installed them on October 4th. Many thanks  for this added safety measure.; 

Closing October 14-15 

The last weekend for cottagers is October  14-15. Sand Lake Marine asks that all  boaters make arrangements with them and  have your boats ready to be taken out for  winterized not later than the afternoon of  the 15th. A reminder to make sure you pay for  any additional parking that you used for the  season.  

Membership Contributions 

Annual contributions remain at $50.00. Your  contributions help BIRPOA do the things that  help build our community. Our goal is to have  

every cottage owner contribute to these  costs. If you haven’t already done so please  send your contributions to the following. e-transfer anytime – send to Code word is cottage. Financial Update – From Mary Rockburn Dues collected from 32 cottagers. Present  Balance-$3764.50 

Fall Expenses- 

$322.05 FOCA renewal  

$73.55 Supplies 

$130.00 AGM picnic 

$120.00 Canoe Race Picnic 

$331.07 Safety Buoy Supplies 

Update on Trails – Rob Jackett Trails have been reopened through the  eastern part of the island. Trail parallel to  the meadow (Johnny’s way) find the Vauxall and head east, connects back to the meadow.  Side trail behind cottage 8,9,10,12 parts 157  and 160 (Deer run trail). Try them out. 

The initiative on the Trail Lands Rights of  Way continues. We hope to have the transfer  completed by year end.  

Library – Bob Cavenagh 

The Birch Island Branch Library. (It was  originally surrounded by a branch before  Hydro had its way.) 

Lots of contributed books, puzzles, games,  cd/dvd roms. Maintained by volunteers, but  everyone is welcome to lend a hand. We love  to receive good books–but NO tired  leftovers that should go elsewhere. And  ‘Library Plaza’ is a nice place to meet or to  take a break while walking the trails. Want to help? Reshelve! Full size books and  big paperbacks only go on the back wall,  alphabetized by 1. Author’s LAST name, 2.  FIRST name, then 3. Titles alphabetically.  Smaller paperbacks only go in the smaller  shelves provided on the right-hand wall.  Children’s books on the front wall, along with  some specialty items. PUZZLES: on top only,  never in bookshelves. CD/DVDs: two shelves  among paperbacks ONLY. 

Volunteers will close it just  after Thanksgiving and it will open again in  the spring.  

Priorities for 2024 

• Transfer of trail lands  

• Update by-laws to be ONCA compliant 

•    Fill vacant volunteer positions  

• Finalize official Library use with the  Weisigers and Cavenaghs

• Opening welcome event 

• Change AGM to a more timely online form

On Behalf of your Board of Directors and Volunteers, Rob Jackett