AGM Minutes: 1970s


Meeting Held 3 p.m. 9 Aug. 1970 Lot No. not known 

A meeting was held at Birch Island at 3 p.m., 9 August 1970 

to organize the Birch Island Property Owners Association

This meeting was attended by approximately 30 property owners 

and the following were appointed to an Interim Executive 


Mr. R.E. Robertson 

Mr. R.J. Shank 

Mr. E. J. Hare 




Mr. Robertson advised those present of the current situation 

regarding the causeway and stated that there was a need for 

arranging for garbage collection


Meeting Held 4 July 1971 2 p.m.- Lot 30 

That Birch Island Property Owners form an association to be known as the Birch Island Property Owners Association, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, welfare and interests of the owners and residents from time to time of the lands and properties lying within the Birch Island area of Sand Lake in the Township of South Crosby

Moved: P. Neatby 

Seconded: R. Shank 



That the executive of this association shall consist 


President VicePresident 


Moved: Mrs. Chisholm 

Seconded: Mrs. Hare 



That all bonafide property owners on Birch Island be requested to join and support the association and that there be one vote per adult, maximum two votes per family

Note: Bonafide property owners are those persons who have purchased one or two lots for the purpose of erecting a home or cottage basically for their own use, and does not include persons with vested interests in the Island property

Moved: F. Banks 

Seconded: M. Chisholm 



That an annual assessment in the amount of $2.00 be made to defray costs of incidental expenses i.e. postage, stationery and that this money be deposited in an account to be known as the Birch Island Property Owners Association

Moved: R. Shank 


P. Crossman 



2 – 

That a representative of Birch Island Estates Ltd. be invited to attend normal meetings of the association so that a close communication channel may be maintained


Moved: F. Banks 

Seconded: Howard Burtch 


That an application be forwarded for a provincial charter for this association this to specify that the association is a nonprofit corporation

Moved: R. Shank 

Seconded: M. Chisholm 




2 p.m. 4 July 1971 Lot 30 Birch Island 

Opening remarks Welcome to all 

Note presence of R. Appleton, President, R. McMahon, Legal Advisor, Birch Island Estates Ltd. R.E. Robertson, Mr. Zervos and Mr. Harper of Ontario Hydro

Total attendance 



approximately 55

Election of Executive E.J. Hare – Lot 30 745-3235 

A.C. Walker Lot 23 828-2622 W. E. Davis Lot 2 -237-1404 

New Business 

Garbage Collection

Mr. Glover stated that a local collector was willing to place drums at his marina for collection of garbage twice weekly during July and August, once weekly for remainder for those persons wishing this service. As there did not appear to be sufficient interest, it was left for individual arrangements


Fire Protection

Mr. Howard Burtch stated that a local dealer could provide a transportable pump and hose for use on the island. The question of location ability of ladies to move and operate the equipment, length of time it would take to get the equipment to the fire location and in service it was considered that there were too many unanswered queries and the 

matter was shelved

Mr. Zervos and Mr. Harper spoke and answered queries regarding Ontario Hydro activities and installations. Also there were considerable comment and complaints about the Right of Way clearance by the subcontractors and their lack of caution in the handling of fires

As a result of the complaints, we were advised that it would be necessary for Hydro to obtain individual approval for line clearing at each lot location. This will probably delay the total installation and availability of service considerably. 

Mr. McMahon and Mr. Appleton answered queries regarding Birch Island Estates Ltd. 

Interior Land Use no present plans. Exhibited survey plans for road allowances and registered lots between the road allowance and individual lots, which they stated could be considered as the property of the lot owner had not been legally conveyed due to cost factor, however individual could have own lawyers execute and would receive full cooperation from McMahon

Mr. McMahon and Mr. Appleton expressed their appreciation for being asked to attend and offered complete cooperation and assistance to the executive at any time

Minutes of a Meeting of Birch Island Property Owners’ Association held on the Island Sunday, August 31, 1975. 

Thirtysix people attended. 

Mr. Drumm, chairman, called the meeting to order, and minutes of last meeting accepted as read. 

In business arising from minutes. 

A. Mrs. Hare suggested that the Association not be concerned about 

Mr. Feltmate’s legal battle with Birch Island Estates, especially since the centre of the Island belongs to the Association by “right of purchase.” 


Mrs. Shugg reported briefly on hearing regarding telephone rates, indicating that Department of Transport will complete a desision and probably the seasonal rate will be abolished. 

Mr. Drumm reported on correspondence regarding bridge. He had written to Federal and Provincial members of Parliament and to the Township of South Crosby. Replies were received from the Township and from Tom Cossitt, Federal Member. 

The correspondence was read by Secretary and it was noted that Mr. Cossett stated Bridge now owned by Department of Transport. 


Mr. Robertson advised Birch Island Estates owns the Tots on which bridge sits – but lease for bridge expired. 

Mr. Shank moved that a letter be sent to Transport Department regarding water lot lease, ownership of Bridge and ask if Department is responsible for repairs. Mr. Robertson seconded motion, but assured Association that every one has access over mainland lot. Motion carried. 

Mr. Drumm advised that survey of island completed by Mr. & Mrs. Shugg and Mr. Kittle cleared that all are in favour of an Association with function and format as indicated. Therefore, elections are in order. 

Report from Nominating Committee read, 


Vice President Secretary 


Executive members 

Mrs. Shugg 

Ross Truemner 

Joan Banks 

Jack Dornan & Membership. 

Dick Ronscinske 

Allan Heagey 

Bob Kittle 



Mr. Shanks moved nomination closed. Members on previous page elected. 

Mr. Drumm expressed appreciation to various committees and executive and relinquished chair to Mrs. Shugg. Mrs. Shugg spoke briefly of growth of Association, and said Survey had proved interest by Islanders. 

to approval. 



She took each part of Survey and opened discussion prior 



One meeting per year with Executive functioning all year. Mr. Chisholm moved that meeting be held Sunday of August holiday weekend. Seconded by Bob Kittle. Motion carried. 


B. One family one vote discussed fully Mr. Robertson 

moved paid up members only, entitled to vote and one family, one vote be defined by By-laws. Seconded by Mrs. Smith. Motion Carried. 



Executive – officers self explanatory. Three executive members to cover island geographically, but also to represent families not living in Ottawa. 

Constitution and By-laws to be done by Executive from draft prepared by Ed Hare. This will be presented to meeting next 


Factors to be considered are both short term and long term. 


Recreation offers received from Islanders to teach skiing, skuba diving, sailing etc. and a committee will be formed to arrange for these and any other suggestions. 

B. Fire precautions discussed fully



Suggestions made to post 

fire regulations at Marina. Mr. Robertson made a strong appeal for fire precautions to be enforced on island. Cottages should have hose and fire extinguishers handy. 

In recent fire, the pumper came from Elgin very quickly. Mr. Roberts moved that a letter of thanks be sent to people 

on Ecclestone Island who reported fire but also fought fire themselves. Very few Birch Islanders knew of fire and recommendation made to arrange some siren signal. Mrs. Shugg agreed that the Executive will act quickly on all of these recommendations. 

Consultation with Glovers. Parking and Marina as well as BREWIS 

arbage matters will be attended to. Moved by Mr. Be that Glovers be Honorary members of Association and attend meetings. Seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried

Decision with township office will be maintained. 




3. Communication. Mr. Shugg offered to do a newsletter twice yearly, 

November and April. With first mailing, minutes of this meeting as well as list of property owners will be included. Other suggestions were to include fire information in newsletter. Also, any reply from Department of Transport or other information on status of Bridge be included. Fees were agreed to be set at $10.00 per family per year, to be paid immediately. Receipt or bill will also accompany newsletter. Mr. Shanks remarked that a Township newpaper is also available and perhaps might have details pertinent to Birch Island. 




Mrs. Shugg indicated that Committees will be formed as needed, chairmen will be executive members and others will be from membership at large. 

B. Mr. Smith moved that for banking purposes Treasurer plus one other signature be used, that of President or Secretary. Seconded by Mr. Chisholm. Motion carried. 



Mr. Robertson stated his concerns regarding interior of island, that it be left as Parkland. He asked that Executive make a proposal to the company to fulfill their promise to deed centre of island to Association. He felt they should be advised that we want it and are prepared to take action to get it. established that the Association had in 1973 made such a proposal and were refused. 

Mrs. Hare moved that the Association get a lawyer to put “Caution on Title” or push our rights to the centre of the island as promised in promotional literature. Mr. Robertson seconded motion, and stated that he will give evidence that such a promise was made. He is anxious that pressure be exerted as soon as possible

Mr. Bruce pointed out that a time may come when one owner may have to take issue to court and that owner must be assured of support of Association. Mrs. Shugg agreed matter will be discussed by Executive

Meeting adjourned



July 6th, 1976. 

Please Note The Following Dates on Your Calendar

Sunday, July 18 2 p.m. at the Marina

Fire fighting and equipment display by the South Crosby Volunteer Fire Department Chief Louis Soper

Boat and Water Safety Program by the Red Cross

This is an important meeting for ourselves and our Island. 

Sunday, August 1 10:30 a.m. at the rear of Lots 18 & 19 – 

Gerry Drumm and Jean Love. 

Association Annual Meeting 

Bring your constitution. 

Please walk over

Annual fees will be due. 

Feel free to bring your own garden chairs to these events. 

An important telephone number was omitted from the list sent with the last Newletter, please add Sand Lake Marine 359-5612 to your list


The Annual Meeting of the Birch Island Residential Property Owners’ Association was held on Sunday, August 1, 1976 with approximately 20 families represented. 

The President welcomed the group and mentioned the voting cards which had been distributed and suggested that those who desired should help themselves to coffee, donuts and cookies. 

Treasurer’s Report 

The treasurer reported that we now had $400.84 in the bank. There were 41 paid up members giving us $414.69 which was made up of $410 plus interest. Our expenses for the year had been 82.61 mostly due to stationery, postage and duplicating. We had started with 68.96 cash on hand. 

The adoption of this report was moved by Mr. Dornan seconded by Mr. Shank and carried. 

Business Arising Out of Minutes 

a) Constitution The President remarked that she hoped the members had had the opportunity to look over the proposed constitution and she suggested that she read it aloud a few sections at a time and that we discuss and vote upon each section as it was read. 

Sections 1 through 7 inclusive were read. It was moved by Mr. Truemner and seconded by Mr. Heagy that these sections by approved as read. This motion was voted upon and carried. 

Sections 8 though 18 were read. It was moved by Mr. Hare and seconded by Mrs. Shank that these sections be approved as read. This section was voted upon and carried. 

Sections 19 through 31 were read. It was moved by Mrs. Chisholm and seconded by Mrs. Shank. A discussion on section 26 with regard to the value of a nominating committee then followed. The motion was voted upon and carried. 

The Constitution was therefore carried. 

b) Fire Prevention and Control – The President mentioned the recent fire safety display and said that she felt it had been successful. She also read off a list of requirements and suggestions which she will passon to the fire committee which she proposes to set up later in the meeting. 

c) Water Safety Program – Thanks has been sent to those who presented this worthwhile program forus. 

d) Parking – With the erection of the parking sign no real problems had been encountered. The following suggestions were made: 

– double park with a guest 

– don’t take up more than one space 

– have a tag and seasonal rate for visitors who come regularly. 


Paid up members should be allowed to park in the Bay area. designate individual parking spaces with logs or rocks. 

A committee is to be set up to investigate this area. 

e) Garbage This continues to be a problem area and the Executive will continue to deal with it. 

Page 2 

f) Centre of the Island – The President read a report on her year’s efforts and mentioned contacting the following: 

Lawyer re caution on title 

Department of Transport 

Rideau waterway – interested only in water Bed and Crown Lands Dept. of Environment – interested only in health standards Dept of Consumers’ Affairs 

sent information re misleading advertising 

Ontario Ministry of Housing a meeting has been arranged with Township Council on Aug. 23 with regard to having the Centr of the Island zoned open space 

A discussion then followed and it was suggested that Mr. Appleton be contact again. The following motion was then moved by Mr. Hare and seconded by Mrs. Love that if the Executive Committee feels it is necessary to obtain legal council to determine the Islanders’ legal status then this should be done and a special assessment be made to enable this action. 

This motion was voted upon and carried. 

g) Newsletter – A vote of thanks was given to those responsible for pro- ducing this newsletter

h) Mr. Ed Hare gave the following report of this committee: 

Past President 


Vice President 


Treasurer and Membership Chairman 


Gerry Drumm 

Marg. Shugg 

Bob Shank 

Joan Banks 

Jack Dornan 

Alan Heagy 

Bob Kittle Dick Ronscinske 

Mr. Hare then went over the offices one at a time and asked if there were un other nominations for any of the offices. There being no further nominations, Mr. Hare declared the officers elected by acclamation. 

New Business 

1. Fire Pumper – The President announced that she had been told of an additional pumper which we had not seen at our recent fire display. This model was a floating pumper and was somewhat more expensive than the one man pumper. The prices we had on the pumpers from the local fire department are as follows: 

Floating Pumper 

200 ft. snake skin hose 

One Man Pumper 


Less 10% 

Plus 7% Sales Tax 







62 $946 

After much discussion the following suggestions were made 

obtain additional princes 

– canvas other islands for assistance 

approach Council for assistance 











The following motion was moved by Mr. Feltmate and seconded by Mr. Heagy that the Executive Approach the Council to set up and equip a fire sub station at Sand Lake Marine. 

This motion was voted upon and carried. 

The following alternate motion was then proposed. It was moved by Mr. Reid and seconded by Mr. Smith that all else failing a pumper be purchased now and the cost be assessed each member aqually. 

This motion was voted upon and carried.. 

The President suggested that a committee be set up to look after this matter. The committee is to be made up of Alan Heagy – chairman with Geo. Roberts and Orv. Shugg as members. 

2. A discussion followed on Water Safety, water Quality, weed and General Courtesy. Mr. Ronscinske, Mr. Smith and Mr. Feltmate will form a committee to cover this area. 

3. It was pointed out that water skiing under the bridge could result in a criminal charge. 

4. It was established that no new telephones have been installed on the Island. 

5. It was moved by Mr. Shank, seconded by Mr. Roberts that Mr. Howard Burtch be made an honarary member of the Association. This was voted upon and carried. 

6. It was moved by Mr. Hare and seconded by Mr. Truemner that the meeting adjourn. This motion was carried. 








The organization shall be known as the “Birch Island Residential Property Owners’ Association”, hereafter referred to as the “Assoc- i iation”. 


2. The purpose of the Association shall be to deal with matters of common interest and concern to those who are members of the Association. 


3. The Association shall consist of active members and honorary members. 




Active members shall be property owners who have purchased Birch Island property for personal use; who support the purpose of the Association; and who have paid the currently prescribed membership fee. 

Honorary members shall be such persons as may be appointed to such memberships by a majority of those members eligible to vote. 

Membership shall lapse: 

When no membership fee has been paid by May 31 of the current fiscal year; and, 

Upon death, expulsion, resignation of a member, or sale of property. 



The annual fee for membership shall be set by a majority of those members eligible to vote, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, from such information as is available at the time of the Annual meeting. 



Officers of the Association shall consist of the following active members: President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer & Membership Chairman, and three or more Directors as deemed necessary. All officers, other than the Immediate Past President, shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at each annual meeting. 

Constitution – Birch Island Residential Property Owners’ Assoc. 

Page 2 

9. The above named officers and directors shall constitute the Executive 

Committee of the Association. 

10. It is the intent of the Association, in naming people to the Executive, to select an appropriate number of officers from the Ottawa area, so as to insure a quorum for winter meetings, and at the same time provide, so far as is feasible, representation distributed around the island. 





The President shall normally preside at all meetings of the Association, and meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall be res- ponsible for providing direction and leadership for all Association i activities. 

The Vice President shall preside at those meetings not attended by the President, and shall have such further duties as may be assigned by the President. 

The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee, and shall provide a transcript of such minutes for the President as soon as possible following each m meeting. Copies of the minutes of the Annual Meeting shall be dis- tributed to all members in good standing. Copies of the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings shall be distributed to each member of the Committee. The secretary shall advise all members of the time and place of the annual meeting, and any special meetings that may be called by the Executive Committee. The secretary shall also carry out various other secretarial duties, including correspondence, as may be assigned by the President. 

The Treasurer & Membership Chairman shall receive all revenues of the Association, give receipts therefore, and deposit all funds to the credit of the Association in such bank as may be approved by the Executive Committee. He shall pay by cheque, countersigned by the President or Secretary, all bills which have been approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate records of all receipts and disbursements and shall make regular reports of such to the Executive Committee. He shall maintain a full and correct list of names and addresses of all members, and shall distribute voting cards to members in good standing at the annual meeting, or such other general meetings as may be called. He shall be responsible for first official contact with new residents collecting vital statistics, explaining objects of the association, and if the property owner joins, he shall collect the membership fee. 

Constitution – Birch Is. d Residential Property Owners’ Assoc. 

Page 3 



The Past President shall function as a regular member of the Executive Committee and perform such other duties as may be requested by the President. 

The Directors shall function as regular members of the Executive Committee and perform such other duties as may be requested by the President. 



In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement until the next annual meeting. 

18. Committees may be appointed by the Executive Committee from time to time, 

to carry out certain functions of the Association. These committees may include or be comprised solely of members of the Association other than the officers. 


19. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from September 1 to August 31. 






The Executive Committee of the Association shall meet regularly to con- duct the business of the Association; the time and place of such meetings shall be at the discretion of the President. 

The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held on the Sunday of the August holiday weekend. The time and place of the meeting shall be set by the Executive Committee. The election of officers shall be conducted at this meeting. 

Special Meetings of the members may be called by the Executive Committee, or on written request of any eight active members in good standing, provided such application shall state the puroose for which such a meet- ing is requested. No business other than that stated in the application shall be transacted at such special meeting. Proper notice and object of such meeting shall be given each active member at least fourteen days. prior to such meeting. 

At each annual meeting the membership shall appoint an auditor for the current year, whose report is to be heard at the following annual meeting. 

24. Voting shall be by a show of voting cards. 

Constitution – Birch Isd Residential Property Owners’ Assoc. 


25. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings when not inconsistent 

with these by-laws


26. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the 

Executive Committee, one of whom shall be the Immediate Past President. Such appointments shall be made not less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting. 



The Nominating Committee shall, at the annual meeting, present nominations for all offices to be filled, with prior approval having been obtained from the nominees. Additional nominations may be made from the floor, with nominees signifying their approval. It is the important duty of 

the Nominating Committee in selecting nominees to ensure a continuity of experience on the Executive Committee. 

Election shall be by show of voting cards, with only active members in good standing eligible to vote. Only one vote per family will be allowed. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be declared elected. 



At the annual meeting or special Association meeting, a quorum shall consist of at least 15 active members in good standing. 

30. At least four executive members shall constitute a quorum at Executive 

Committee meetings. 



This constitution may be altered, amended, revised or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the active members present at any regular or special meeting, provided notification of such changes is provided to the membership as “Notice of Motion” not less than fourteen (14) days prior to such meeting. 


The Annual Meeting of Birch Island Residential Property Owners’ Association was held on Sunday, July 31, 1977 at 10:30 a.m. at the rear of Lot #19, with 28 member families present. 

The President, opened the meeting by welcoming the residents, introducing Mr. Ronald Duncan, the lawyer retained by the Executive to look after our dealings with the centre of the island and suggesting that anyone desiring coffee should feel free to help themselves. 


It was moved, seconded and carried that the minutes of the last Annual Meeting be accepted as circulated. 

Treasurer’s Report 

It was reported that we presently had $335.19 less $20 for secretarial supplies. We had started the year with 380, and 39 members were in the Association for the 1976-77 year. Four members were paid up for the 1977-78 year. $430 had been taken in in membership fees. All 1975-76 members did not renew their memberships and three new families joined. It was suggested that Mr. Warren Christopher by contacted re membership in the Association. $445 had been received from the fire assessment. The expenses for the year were $883.80 for the pumper, $30 for insurance and $25 for secretarial supplies. 

It was moved, seconded and carried that this report be adopted as 



The President reported that it was necessary for us to appoint someone from our membership to audit the books. It was moved, seconded and carried that Mr. Ross Truemner be appointed auditor. 

Business Arising Out of the Minutes 


Fire Prevention & Control 

In the absence of Mr. Allan Heagy, Mr. Orv. Shugg read a list of proposed rules and regulations along with some suggestions from the Fire Committee. This was followed by a discussion of the pricing policy. The committee was asked to bring in their recommendations after consideration of the opinions expressed by the members present. The President advised the meeting of the new regulations of the South Crosby Fire Department – i.e. It is now necessary to have a burning permit before brush can be burned. Having the Fire Department come as the result of a call, even if your fire is under control and you didn’t bother to obtain a permit will cost $150. If the fire is out of control the fee is an additional $100 per hour

– 2 – 

b) Red Cross 

The President gave a review of the two successful displays that the Red Cross has given us, one on water safety and one on small boat handling. She mentioned that these displays had been presented free of charge, but that a donation of $25 had been sent. She mentioned that we had a supply of pamplets dealing with small boat safety and she requested the members pick up a copy and that they read it. 


Water Quality and Weed Control 

Mrs. Taylor reported on the kits that she had sent or delivered to all members. The response had resulted in an inspector coming to Sand Lake and Birch Island and looking over the situation. He was happy to report that we do not have a problem. It was suggested that if we wanted to control the weeds, we do so in our own swimming and docking areas only since the weeds were what kept the lake alive. It is necessary to get a permit to put chemicals into the water so that the environment people can keep control of the situation. The government will offer no financial aid with the cost of chemicals as their overwhelming problem with other waterways at the moment is mercury contamination. 

d) Centre of the Island 

The President updated the membership on the present state of negotiations. She reviewed the situation from the point of last year’s meeting when the Executive was given authority to investigate the feasibility of obtaining the centre of the Island for the use of the Islanders. At present a counter-counter offer had been forwarded to Mr. Appleton, the time limit for its acceptance had recently expired, but the Negotiating Committee was still hopeful that an agreement could be reached. 

A lengthy discussion followed during which many points of view were heard and Mr. Duncan answered many questions on the legalities of the situation. The following motion was then moved, seconded and carried, “that the Executive Negotiating Team continue to negotiate for the purchase and conveyance of centre lots, Lot 135, roads, rights cf way, parcel around Howard Burtch’s property and use their own judgement.” 

A discussion then followed on the present registered state of the property in question (checkerboarding) as opposed to having the property revert to one large lot if we are able to purchase it. It was agreed that the checkerboarding be retained for the present and the following motion was moved, seconded and carried, “that the checkerboarding as presently in effect be retained for sometime until problems can be sorted out.” 

In order that the checkerboarding can be retained it is necessary to have at least four persons manage the centr of the island. A discussion followed on whether or not a Board of Trustees should be set up. decided that the centre of the island should be managed by a Board of Trustees to be elected later in the meeting. 

– 3- 

Another discussion on whether or not the Association should 

incorporate followed and the following motion was moved and seconded, “that the Association should incorporate”. After further clarification by Mr. Duncan the motion was withdrawn and the following motion was moved, seconded and carried, “that the Association incorporate if the Executive feel it is necessary to do so.” 

e) Garbage 

Mr. Shank spoke at the request of Mrs. Glover to ask that those using the garbage facilities please use them only at the stated times, i.e. Sunday evening or early Monday morning on a normal week-end or Monday evening or Tuesday morning on a holiday week-end. 

f) Parking 

Mr. Shank again reported that the Glovers requested that Islanders assure that their guests pay or else Islanders pay for their guest’s parking. 

g) The President requested that a vote of thanks be given to those who have been involved with putting out the Newsletter – Mrs. Banks, Mr. Heagy and Mr. Shugg. 

Other Business 

a) D.P.P. Meeting 

The President reported that she had been contacted and informed of a meeting that was held in the high school in clgin. The purpose of the meeting was to advise cottagers of ways of helping to protect their property against vandalism and theft. Suggestions made were an alarm system, a buddy system and be a nosy neighbour. he also had literature for the members which the police had asked be given out. 

b) One member requested that a vote of thanks be shown to Mr. Duncan for taking the time and interest to come down to the Island for the meetingl 

Nominating Committee 

The President asked for the report of this committee. Since the past President had not been able to do this work the past past President, Mr. Ed Hare gave the report as follows: 


Vice President 


Treasurer & 

Membership Directors 

Marg hugg Orland French Joan Banks 

Jack Dornan 

John Hall 

George Roberts 

Dick Roncinske 

Ara Taylor 

– 4- 

Since there were no other nominations, it was moved, seconded and carried that this slate of officers be accepted. 

It was suggested that the out going Executive be thanked and 

that the in going Executive be wished good luck. 


On the advise of Mr. Duncan, it was moved, seconded and carried “that eight trustees be elected to manage the centre of the Island in the event that the Association is successful in purchasing it”. 

The following persons were nominated as trustees: 

Bob Shank 

Karl Reid 

Orville Shugg 

Bill Davis 

Jack Dornan Ed Hare Frank Banks 

Phil Jacques 

It was moved, seconded and carried that these persons act as Trustees to hold paper title to the land in the centre of the island. 

There being no further busines the meeting was adjourned. 

AGENDA, ANNUAL MEETING Aug. 6, 1978, B.I.R.P.0.A. 


Welcome coffee 


Minutes of 1977 Annual Meeting 


approve as circulated


($307 Long Jes) 

Treasurer’s report – Jack Dornan 


294.17 (415767) 

Membership (4)=22) 


4. Business arising from the minutes 

(a) Fire Committee 

(b) Centre of the Island the Continuing Saga of” $9200/77 

report attached 

(c) Incorporation and Trustees 

(a) Weed Control 

(e) Parking 

John Hall 

puhas of seiner / Glove 





(a) Bridge and shoals Dick R. 

(b) Lands and Forest 

Ara T. 

(c) Pay Telephone 

(a) Spring Testing 





8. Nominating Report – Ed Hare 

9. New Business 

10. Adjourn 

Don’t Forage 

dog control 

Group purchase of 


ured demicals 

Next yea 

for fighter 


The Annual Meeting of Birch Island Residential Property Owners Association was held on Sunday, August 6th, 1978 at 10:30 a.m. at the rear of Lot #19. 

The President, Mrs. Shugg, opened the meeting by welcoming the property owners and suggesting that anyone wishing a cup of coffee should help himself. 


The minutes of the 1977 Annual Meeting were approved as circulated. 

Treasurer’s Report 

It was reported that we had 41 members for the 1977-78 year. 

We presently have $294.17 on hand. Cur expenses for the year totalled $390.60. The major items were $310.17 lawyer’s fees (with an amount still owing): $21.00 for gas, oil and insurance for the pumper and $30.00 for supplies. The Treasurer stated that Mr. Ross Truemner had audited the books for the 1976-77 financial year. 

It was moved, seconded and carried that this report be adopted as read. (Dornan, Chisholm 

It was necessary for the membership to appoint someone from the membership to audit the books for the 1977-78 year. It was moved, seconded and carried that Mr. Ross Truemner be appointed auditor. 

Business Out of the Minutes 


a) Fire The President announced that the new Fire Chief of Scuth Crosby Township was Wayne Carbino who operates Waynes Garage, the Gulf Station at the eastern end of Elgin. She reported that at this time it was necessary to have a permit to do any burning. She also reminded the meeting that it would cost $150.00 if the Fire Dept. had to respond to a call and an additional $100.00 per hour if the fire had to be brought under control. The Fire Dept. had requested a map of the Island indicating who owned which lots. 

It was suggested that it might be a good idea to have a review of how to operate the pumper each year. 

b) Centre of the Island – The President read a full report of the continuing saga of the Executives efforts to purchase the centre of the island. The complete report is on file. The latest developments reported were as follows: 

After negotiating with Mr. Appleton all winter the Executive was informed that Mr. Appleton had received an offer from the States for $32,000 which he felt he had to consider, so negotiations stopped at this point. In May Mr. Robertson said he felt it was the price that was holding up negotiations and after Mr. Robertson and our Negotiators met. Mr. Robertson reported that Mr. McMahon would accept $25,000 for the entire property. It was suggested that the Islanders pay $12,500 and Mr. Robertson, who was interested in a point adjoining Mr. Burtch’s property, pay $12,500. Consequently our lawyer drew up an offer to purchase the agreed upon property Mr. Robertson was given the offer on July 2nd. He then raised the question of cost of We could not be expected to either apply for it or pay for it. 

Mr. Robertson wanted to check out our offer against the one ho had made to the Island 

Our offer was signed by only 2 of the 3 Island negotiators on the under- standing that the third negotiator would sign if r.o changes of a basic nature were requested. Things began to look as if they might be finalized when Mr. Robertson reported that the difference in closing dates would involve several extra costs. This boiled down to the fact that the Islanders were expected to pay costs that they could not control. The full executive met on July 23rd and after a full discussion decided that we should not proceed under the present circumstances to purchase the centre of the island. 

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The matter was then opened to discussion which resulted in the following motion being moved, seconded and carried: That no further negotiations for the purchase of the interior of Birch Island take place until such time as the owners of the property approach us with a valid and reasonable offer. In the meantire, the Executive will continue to keep in touch with any developments that may occur that may be damaging to our interests or infringe on our perceived rights. (Durston, Feltmate). 

c) Trustees In the event that any further action on the Centre of the Island might occur it was felt that the Board of Trustees should remain. Those persons who were presently trustees all agreed to remain in the capacity


Weed Control – The Islanders were requested to call the Dept. of the Environment if they required information on how to control weeds in the area of their docks. It was suggested that the Executive investigate the cost of quantity buying of the chemical required to control the weeds. 

e) Parking There were no complaints with regard to parking this year. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Association contribute some Calcium Chlorade for use in the Marine parking lot. (Robertson, Feltmate).. 


a) Bridge and Shoals Mr. Roncinske made the following comments and suggestions: the bridge has been marked with reflectors as an aid to night navigation. Please mark any shoals that you may know of or advise the Executive so that they can do it. It is helpful for those who have to use the lake at night, if cottagers outside lights are on as aide to navigation. Please use courtesy and advise family members to do so when passing small crafts as large waves can cause serious accidents. 

b) – 

Lands and Forests Mrs. Taylor reported that a gentleman from the Department had toured the Island and had found the trees to be free of blight and disease and generally in a very healthy state. Mrs. Taylor has a number of pamphlets available if you wish them. 

c) Pay Telephone 

The Executive has arranged with the Community Telephone Company to install a pay telephone at the Marine on a trial basis. It is presumed this will take place next May. 

d) Spring Testing – The President reported that the Spring had been tested and was perfectly safe for drinking. 


It was reported that many people had mentioned enjoying the articles in the Newsletter and a vote of thanks was given to Orland French, Alan Heagy and Joan Banks for their work. 


The President expressed her personal thanks and that of the Executive for the support the Islanders had given them over the year. 

Nominating Report 

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Mr. Ed Hare gave the report on behalf of Mr. Kittle and himself. Those nominated were as follows: 


Orland French 

Vice President 

Frank Banks 


Phyllis Chisholm 


John Curley 


John Dornan 

John Hall 

Dick Roncinske 

Ara Taylor 

As there were no other nominations, it was moved, seconded and carried that this slate of officers be accepted. 

A vote of thanks was given to the outgoing Executive with special thanks going to Mrs. Shugg. 

The new President, Mr. Orland French then took over the chair. 

New Business 

1. Boat Storage – If you wish to store boats with the Glover’s this winter get your request in early as there is a shortage of space. 

2. Please make sure your guest parking has been paid. 

3. It was suggested that the Executive look into the matter of having the lake restocked with fish. Please do not catch more fish than you need. 

4. There has been a noticable decline in the numbers of wild animals being seen on the island. Please do not use the island as a happy hunting ground. 

5. Mr Kay reported that he and Mr. Robertson were going to meet with the Township council on August 7th to request that the road running in front of the Glover’s be maintained down to the lake during the winter for easier access to the Island at that time. He requested the Association’s support of the request. 

It was moved seconded and carried that the association support the request for winter road maintainence. (Truemner, Burtch). 


The treasurer requested that Islanders desiring to pay their fees for the 1978-79 year could do so following the meeting. 

There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned. (Shank, Banks). 

Sand Lake, on the Rideau Canal Elgin, Ontario